A chronicaling of my perpetual desire to escape (and the shenanigans that inevitably ensue)

Monday, May 30, 2011

ROAD TRIP!!! (sorta)

The down side of shipping your car from Hawai`i to the West coast when it needs to end up on the East coast is that you have to drive all the way there. My mom didn't trust me to drive my car back all on my own so she sent my little brother, Scott, out to help me drive it back.

I wanted to use this as an excuse to do a real road trip where you stop and see the sights along the way, but Scott is more interested in just getting home. I did talk him into taking the low route thought, so we’re gonna stop in New Orleans!! 

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Good Samaritan

I was hiking the Hanakapi'ai Trail on Kaua'i  and on the way out of the valley(which is super steep, and takes about 2 hours to get out of) there was a man that looked to be about 40 and he was really struggling with his huge backpack(it looked like it had been packed for a week of camping.) Well, along comes this 20-something guy, also with a huge pack. The 20 year old offered to carry the older mans pack. The 20 year old was with a group of about 8 friends, they all left him behind, but this guy still carried both his pack and the strangers pack all the way out of the valley and back down the side of the volcano to the beach in the 90F/32C degree heat. This is one of the kindest most amazing things I've ever seen anyone do. I wish I'd gone over and shaken this guys hand, but I was kinda dying of my own heat exhaustion at the time.

I hope this inspires you to do something kind for a stranger in the future.