A chronicaling of my perpetual desire to escape (and the shenanigans that inevitably ensue)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where in the World Is Rosie Hunerwadel (Nov 2010 - Sept 2012)

(Yes, you should have sung the title of this post like in the show)

I'm gonna start using this blog as a rough planning ground for my travels to help me make sure I'm not double booking things and also if anyone has friends in the places I'm gonna be feel free to let me know. I like meeting new people and its always nice to have someone who lives in a place to give you the local view on a place.

Nov 2010: I'll be going to Moloka`i, and Lana`i for 6 days over Thanksgiving break with my friend Jordyn

Dec 2010: I go back to Tennessee for a week over Christmas

March 2011: I will be going to O`ahu for Spring Break

April 2011: If we can raise the money I'll be going to NYC for the Model UN collegiate conference

May 2011: I am going to Kaua`i to visit my friend Jenni

May 2011-June 2011: I'm gonna ship my car from Hawai`i back to the mainland so Scott(my brother), and I can road trip across the US back to Tennessee. We'll definitely stay in LA for a while, then go to Vegas. Then maybe to Fort Collins, Colorado to see one of my best friends from high school, Morgan. After that off to Texas to visit my friend Beau, if he's not deployed. Then down to New Orleans to visit Scott and I's honorary cousin Marcia. After that we might go to Panama City, up through Atlanta, and then back to Chattanooga, TN.

June 2011-July 2011: I recently applied to volunteer at the 2012 Olympic games in London so if I get selected to interview then I'm gonna go to London for the interview then do a little backpacking in Europe, visit some friends there. The countries I really wanna hit while I'm there are Spain (and maybe go down to Morocco), France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden (maybe hit Amsterdam on my way back to London.) If I get the volunteering gig then I'm gonna try to get a work visa and live in England for the year up to the Olympics.

Sept 2012:  (optimistically assuming that I get the Olympics gig) I want to go into Americorps, or I want to WWOOF. If I don't get the volunteer position then one of these things will just be moved up.

So if all this goes down according to plan then my new backpack should rack up quite a few miles.

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