A chronicaling of my perpetual desire to escape (and the shenanigans that inevitably ensue)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Why the Hell Can't I Find Anything?!?

My biggest problem anytime I go somewhere new is trying to figure out what that countries equivalents are to stores we have in America. I started a list a while back but I'm not sure where it got to. I figure it's smarter to just keep it on here that way I can't lose it again. 

Drug Stores: They are called Chemist's in most other counties. They will have most of the stuff your average Walgreen's/CVS/Duane Reade/etc has.

Grocery Stores: Woolworth's (which they call Woolies), Coles/Bi-Lo (This is not our Bi-Lo, and as far as I can tell whatever it used to be it is owned by Coles now because all the store brand products are Coles brand), I'm sure there are more, but those are the only one's I've seen so far.

Hardware Store: Bunning's is your basic Home Depot/Lowe's/Ace type store. 

Liqueur Store: They can't sell alcohol in any of the random stores you might find it in in the US. Basically, if you want booze you gotta go to a "bottle shop." From what I can tell these come in all shapes and sizes. They have what we would traditionally call a liqueur store. Then they have little open air drive through style places. Some bars double as bottle shops. 

"I'd like a pint of Heineken and a 6 pack to-go please."

And lastly if a restaurant serves alcohol, sometimes you can by a bottle for "take away," like you're in a chinese place or something. 

"I'll have....the Egg foo young....a number 8 with plum sauce and....throw a bottle of vodka in there while you're at it."

Obviously, the last two are exaggerations, but you get the idea.

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